Port Said Shipyard: Elevating Excellence in Ship Maintenance

Unveiling Excellence: Port Said Shipyard’s Maritime Mastery

Our staff at Unisea Maritime Services participated in a crucial meeting with Port Said Shipyard’s executive management, other esteemed members of the Portsaid Chamber of Shipping and the esteemed Chamber President, Mr. Adel El Lamei. This meeting was followed by an illuminating tour of Port Said Shipyard, a cornerstone of the maritime landscape operated by the respected Suez Canal Authority.

Legacy Meets Innovation at Port Said Shipyard

Situated strategically at the Suez Canal’s Northern entrance, Port Said Shipyard boasts a storied history intertwined with maritime development. Founded parallelly with the Universal Company of the Maritime Canal of Suez in 1869, the shipyard has honed its expertise in ship repair, evolving into an industry leader. Notably, its expansion into shipbuilding in 1960 showcases a commitment to innovation.

A Glimpse into a Promising Future

During our tour of Port Said Shipyard, we were deeply impressed by its state-of-the-art facilities and the exceptional expertise of its workforce. This shipyard stands as one of the most prominent and well-established shipyards in the Middle East, boasting a strategic location at the Northern entrance of the Suez Canal. Its historical significance is underlined by the fact that its construction commenced concurrently with the founding of the Universal Company of the Maritime Canal of Suez in 1869. Over the years, the shipyard has amassed extensive experience in the field of ship repair, further solidifying its reputation as a leader in maritime services.

Remarkably, the shipyard expanded its scope in 1960 to include shipbuilding, showcasing its adaptability and commitment to innovation. Covering an expansive area of 410,700 square meters, the shipyard’s workshops span 29,990 square meters, complemented by a ship repair quay extending 1,409 meters in length. These impressive dimensions highlight the shipyard’s capacity to accommodate a wide range of vessels for repair and maintenance.

Setting Standards with Certifications and Commitment

Port Said Shipyard’s success is built on unwavering dedication to excellence and safety. Acquiring certifications in ship repair (ISO 2001:2015) and Occupational Health and Safety Management (ISO 45001:2018), the shipyard upholds the highest standards while nurturing a secure work environment.

In summary, our encounter with Port Said Shipyard underscores the pursuit of excellence, collaboration, and commitment to the maritime industry’s advancement. As Unisea Maritime Services sails forward, we’re proud to play a role in an industry driven by innovation, growth, and collective achievements.